The Argentine league has started

The third edition of the Argentine League has started, an event that gathers an impressive number of players, among which are the best players in Argentina, except for Nicov and Capoch. In the first division of this league there are players like Twigg, Carbo, Pela, Varvarus, all of them of superlative levels. Shortly after the start of the league we can say that the organization is going smoothly, showing a lot of commitment from players, organizers and stremears. We believe it is a great contribution to the Spanish-speaking Age community, generating a lot of content for casters and stremers. Facu Rean, organizer of the league has started to broadcast them with an impressive audience. From Deep Waters we have also started to caster some games and we have already been able to enjoy impressive matches of both amateur and professional players. We will keep you updated on how this wonderful show continues, which we are very happy to be able to broadcast and we wish you the best of success.

We also leave you the networks of the organizers of the event:



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