AOE 4: All the news
Slowly but steadily news about the 4th edition of our beloved Age Of Empire are arriving. Civilizations, gameplay, mechanics and of course the beta that will soon be ready. The day is getting closer and expectations keep growing.
Regarding the civilizations we leave you a link with all the ones we know so far. The latest addition has been the Abbasid Dynasty.
Regarding the mechanics there is still very little information beyond the videos that have circulated as the official trailer, from which many specialists have tried to infer various aspects of the gameplay. But the reality is that it is still an unknown.
However, a new video has been shared introducing the naval battles, from which some elements could be extracted.
Everything is still too fragmentary to draw conclusions, that’s why we are waiting for the beta of the game that will be ready between August 5 and 16. Several players and streamers will be able to access it to return their ideas and criticisms to the developers. From then on we will be able to have a more general and concrete idea of what this spectacular and long awaited Age of Empire will be like. Here is a link with more information about the beta and how to access it.